Our Story

A Note From Our Founder

Thank you for visiting 4B, for reading this and for your commitment to mental health and wellness.

A little bit about 4B's story....
4B is named after my little brother, Brett, who passed away when he was just nine months old. His death took a significant toll on my family and has affected us throughout our lives. Everyone faces forms of loss and grief, many of which never make sense and cause serious pain. My aim is to motivate all of us to try to heal and find meaning — to help make legacies last and positively impact others.

I was inspired to create 4B for a few reasons:

I grew up with close family and friends who experienced mental health challenges. I always wanted to help but never knew how.

My time at Derek Jeter's The Players' Tribune moved me. The platform's impactful mental health storytelling and the openness of its contributors and partners like Kevin Love created significant acceptance and empathy throughout the world — this community helped a lot of people and it was beautiful.

When I experienced my first and only panic attack—along with anxiety and burnout in 2018—I started focusing more on my own mental health and self-care practices. I discovered the real power of them. They helped me significantly, and I was able to positively influence others close to me by sharing my experiences with therapy, meditation, the act of vulnerability and the prioritization of self-care.

I spent time during the pandemic advising Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Chopra Global. After working with Deepak and sharing what I wanted to do, I'll never forget his response: “Go make a difference, help alleviate suffering and try to have fun while doing it." Then a few months later a dear friend and client Devi Brown told me how much she believed in me. She pushed me to use my skill set to create and help others. This all resonated deeply with me and I was eager to take action!

Lastly, the data is extremely sad: More than 50% of adults and children suffering from mental health challenges do not receive the support they need. It's time more people step in to help create change.

Ultimately, I found my calling and decided to assemble a team of amazing humans who lead with pure, genuine intentions, including my best friend, David Oestreicher, who is my lead advisor and our managing partner — I wouldn't be here without him. We are all inspired to apply our business acumen to the mental health and wellness space, and to work with brands, organizations and people who are eager to create real, positive change. At 4B, we collaborate to scale our shared mission: supporting those seeking to better their mental health and well-being by normalizing stigmas, delivering credible information and making resources accessible.

At the heart of our organization is a commitment to measurable impact and giving back – by donating to mental health organizations, building a support community, producing events, and providing access to tools and programming for all of our clients, partners, friends and more. We're ready to collaborate and take action. We always look for feedback and ideas so please don't hesitate to share - hello@4b-advisory.com  

With Love & Gratitude,
Jared Schoenfeld


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Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •
Peace • Resilience • Safety • Tranquility • Security • Zen •